
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

OB Appt...

Went for my regular 4 week check-up and all is well...I lost 2 pounds, so we are up to -7 pounds.

We got to see the babies on a portable ultrasound machine since its easier to get both heartbeats that way.
Baby A heartbeat 162, Baby B heartbeat 154...Both looked nice and comfortable and are getting so big.

Excited for Thurs. when I get the fancy ultrasound with the big screen TV for a monitor!!!!!!

Keep on Baking Babies!!!!!!


  1. Hey, I'm new to your blog. I am so glad everything is going well so far :) I lost my twin boys at 22/23 weeks 5 months ago due to undiagnosed IC. I go next month to get my TAC from Dr. Haney. I wish you the best of luck and will be keeping you in my prayers. ♥

  2. Best of Luck!!! Dr. Haney is AMAZING!!!!!! Sorry for your loss, my Angel baby was a triplet pregnancy but I lost the first 2 very early. IC is a vicious thing but the TAC so far has been amazing and you will love Dr. Haney!!! Keep me posted and hopefully you will find comfort in following my blog and knowing the TAC works miracles...
