According to my docs I am now in the second trimester!!!!! Adios first trimester!!!! I feel good most days. Feeling a lot of pressure but that's to be expected. Some days I think they are going to rip me apart since I am in so much pain......
My p17 shots have been approved and will start in 3 weeks to help calm the uterus and prevent contractions. The shots themselves are not so pleasant as they are constituted in castor oil. They made a world of difference with Addy so I am hoping they do the same for this pregnancy.
I am pretty much just waiting to get to 16 weeks so I can find out the sexes and get the critical weeks over with.
With an incompetent cervix starting at about 16 weeks, the cervix is watched very closely since drastic changes can occur in a matter of days. As the baby(s) gain weight that puts more pressure on my cervix and therefore I rely 100% on the TAC to hold everything closed. From 16-28 weeks we kind of hold our breath and pray for the best.
The biggest difference so far between the TAC(transabdominal cerclage) and the TVC(transvaginal cerclage) for me is this: at 14weeks with Addy after my cerclage placement my cervix measured 2.7cm and funneling(opening) with bedrest since 9 weeks. At 12 weeks with TWINS (uterus measuring 20 weeks) my cervix measures 4.2cm and completely closed with no bedrest. This is a HUGE difference!!!
Here's to more weeks with no BEDREST!!!!! YIPPEEEEE (I still take it easy though)
Good job Mom!